Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cole, cole, y más cole

   I started school a few weeks back, and the excitement has defiently worn off. Actually, it usually does after the first day or so. This year, my teachers are a little harder on me because they know I understand what they're teaching. And because they often tell me I talk to much during class, they are now aware that I speak and understand... I can't give the "No... entender.. nada.. yo" excuse anymore. Which, by the way, can come in handy. I'm sort of afraid to have to go back and start college-- I'll actually have to work. It won't be a pretty transition, I'll tell you that much. Another thing that may be funny for other people to watch me go through is transitioning back into English. I speak Spanglish without even trying, and I've forgotten many words in English. Last week I had to write a few essays for a scholarship, and had to use my google translater for the words I wanted to use in English. Yes, it's that bad. Lately, I almost feel awkward when I speak my native language with people. For one, I hardly ever see other white people, and that's the way I like it. I feel uncomfortable when there are too many people around speaking English, is that weird?
   I set my date for coming home, and I will be on my way to the Rhinelander airport three months from tomorrow.  The last six months have just flown on by, I'll blink and all of the sudden my year abroad will be over.  I don't really want to think about that right now. I do know that time is moving exactly how it should right now. It's not too slow, and it's not too fast. I, Katie Lynn Demers, am satisfied.

I was also plesantly surprised to find this video on my facebook wall that a friend sent me. He told me it reminded him of me, so I'm taking the liberity on re-posting it. ¡Con mucho amor desde Chile!

1 comment:

  1. hope you had great fun in our long skinny country, we do like to talk and joke a lot about practically everything, but hey, what else can you expect from a country named after a condiment?

    cheers : )
