Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holy Christmas, Batman!

    I've decided that maybe I should just post something big every month, because I hardly have time to write much! En verdad, I can't just just write every time something happens or changes in my life. I change every day, I feel. Maybe not change, but I find something new about myself, make mistakes, and I learn. For example, all my life I always thought it was wrong to cry in front of people. I was never able to do it, because I didn't want people to think I was a baby, or that I was weak. I guess that's just how I learned it, when I was around guys all the time. I realized yesterday that when ever I feel full of emotion, I instinctively walk away from the situation. Why? Because I don't want people to see me break and see right through me. I thought they would look down on me for crying, or showing that I was angry. But I recently realized that's not how it is. The first times that I broke down in front of my friends, or my host Mom and sister, I expected them to try and make me stop and escape from the sad white girl. I received comfort and love instead; they let me cry all I needed, and assured me that it was okay to do so.
   Now that I've finished talking about my silly emotions, I can tell you what I've been up to! It's almost Christmas! To be perfectly honest, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all. It's hot, there isn't any snow, and I hardly hear Christmas music. When I do, it seems so out of place! I'm happy to be with my host family here and I'm excited to have this experience. With The Holidays comes a whole new roll of emotions (Sorry, I said I was done talking about my emotions. I lied). I've never had a Christmas without snow, and I've never been away from my family. It's hard, I'll tell you that much. I thought it would be easy to spend just one Christmas with another family, but it really isn't. I miss the familiarity of being at home with the decorations around the house, the Christmas lights on the tree, and listening to my Mom's music as I sit in the living room drinking hot chocolate with her. It's things like that I miss the most.
   I have two days of school left until March, so go ahead and be jealous. I almost feel guilty for having so much time off of school! Almost. I switch families in about a month, and in January I'll be going to stay with a family on Easter Island (Go ahead, be jealous again). I'll be on the island for two weeks, and I already know that I'll be taking amazing pictures with this opportunity! I have tentative plans go learn how to surf, and get dreds in my hair.We'll see how things turn out, I guess! The island is really small, but it has so much culture. From what I've heard and seen, it is a lot like Hawaii. If you get the chance, look up pictures of it. It's so beautiful!
   I often catch myself thinking in Spanish, and then feel like a crazy person when it's hard to stop. I suppose that's a good thing. I started reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in Spanish today! I probably miss a lot of the good details, but I know what's happening at least. I feel I'll probably have to re-read it in English later. Now that I believe I've made this a decent read, I think it's time for me to rock out of here. Thank you for reading, and keep up the prayers! I miss and love all of you. (:


  1. You have grown up so much already in just a few short months Katie.
    I am SO proud.
    Keep up the good work and positive attitude!

  2. I love you, Girl! Cocoa doesn't taste the same when you're not here! but I've got Pandora radio on, and some delicious hot chocolate from Dominica. Wish you were here to have some too! Enjoy all the new things, and bring home wonderful memories! Love Mom
